So What's This Blog About?

About Me
My name is Kimberly Hall. I’m a Jamaican music educator who has now worked in two schools abroad. In my 14 years as a teacher, I have taught in Jamaica, The United States and The Democratic Republic of Congo.
How I Got Started
I started my extensive research into teaching abroad in late 2014. In 2015, I applied for the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program but was only selected as an alternate. By 2016 I applied for roles in various countries. However, my lack of experience outside of Jamaica proved to be an issue. It is not as easy for teachers of specialized arts-based subjects to get hired abroad. Especially if you have only taught your local curriculum. So I applied for one of the many J1 Teacher Exchange programs based in the United States. By August of 2016, I was on a plane to South Carolina. Then three years later, on my way to the African continent.
For more details on the steps I took, please read the Teach Abroad section.
About this Site
The idea for this website stemmed from other teachers asking me over the years how I ended up in each location. So I decided to post this information in one place to help teachers around the world. You can use it as the starting point as you research a career teaching abroad.
Since I plan all my vacation travels, others would ask for ideas on which countries to visit and places to see. I will also share tips, advice and suggestions from my solo travels. The visa information provided will focus on Jamaican passport holders. But the suggestions on places to visit will apply to anyone.
This website exemplifies its tagline: Travel Through Teaching.
How I Can Help You?
- Travel Tips
- Solo Female Travel Advice
- Suggestions on Teacher Recruitment sites
- Resume Coaching (for the International Teaching Market)